Modular approach for the R&D of novel feed supplements for improved sustainability of pig production: case study of humic-rich prebiotic fiber product development
Hannele Kettunen, R&D Manager, Hankkija Oy
Oral presentation:
Interactive effects of dietary protein and fiber concentration on nutrient digestibility and fermentation products in pigs fed a blend of branched-chain volatile fatty acids
Jorge Perez Palencia, Research Associate II, South Dakota State University
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Break, networking & poster viewing
Improved nutrient utilisation in pig feed – continued
Chair: Uffe Pinholt Krogh, SEGES Innovation
Keynote presentation:
Future directions of animal feed technology research to meet the challenges of a changing world
Dejan Miladinovic, Head of Center, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Oral presentation:
Continuous monitoring of particle size in pig feed to deliver feed that optimizes stomach health and feed utilization
Anja Varmløse Strathe, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen
Oral presentation:
The use of fast protein from vegetable plasma in low crude protein diets of weaned pigs improves total gain and reduces nitrogen excretion
Megan Bible, PhD in swine nutrition, Hamlet Protein A/S
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Break, networking & poster viewing
Keynote presentation:
Impact of processing ingredients and diets on nutritional value
Effect of replacing soybean meal with alternative proteins in growing-finisher diets on performance, carcass characteristics, and life cycle assessment
Vanessa Lagos, Researcher Monogastric Nutrition, Schothorst Feed Research
Oral presentation:
Pig diets in a circular food system; consequences and challenges
Paul Bikker, PhD, Senior Researcher Animal Nutrition, Wageningen University & Research
Oral presentation:
Quantification of the benefits of reducing dietary crude protein level for fattening pigs in terms of global warming potential depending on the origin of amino acids: a meta-analysis
Aude Simongiovanni, Innovation and Solution Manager, Eurolysine
Oral presentation:
Exploring sustainable alternatives to soybean meal in post weaning pig diets: Impact on growth, nutrient digestibility, and carbon footprint
Naiana Einhardt Manzke, Cargill Animal Nutrition
Oral presentation:
Are Growth Performance and Fecal Score in Weaning Pigs Affected by the Inclusion Level of Potato Protein Concentrate and the Enclosed Glycoalkaloids in Iso-Nitrogenous Diets?